It’s that time of year when interior designer, socialite and so-called ‘Queen Bee of British snobbery’ Nicky Haslam releases his annual tea towel printed with a list of all the latest things he finds ‘common’.
Included on his hitlist this year was none other than ‘barn conversions’. As proud designers, planners and builders of these properties, we simply couldn’t allow this slight against one of our favourite styles of architecture to pass unchallenged – so here is our list on why barn conversions are anything but common:
We don’t believe in snobbery when it comes to home design, which is why we collaborate with our clients to help create the vision they have in mind for their dream home. Our barn conversions are some of our favourite projects to work on. Take a look at some of our past builds – contrary to Mr Haslam’s opinion, we’ll think you’ll find they are each rare beauties.
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